(864) 306-9600

Fax: (864) 306-9690
Never too Old or New

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Serving the Upstate for

30 Years

Fully Bonded, Licensed, and Insured

Business Hours:8am – 5pm



At Furniture Craftsman we can help you leave a lasting impression on visitors by enhancing your commercial space. We offer a variety of furniture repair and wood restoration services for commercial properties that include:


•Corporate office complexes

•Lobbies or greeting areas

•Conference rooms

•Executive suites



•Hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices


•Municipal buildings

•Senior living facilities


•Retail spaces

•And more...


Furniture, fixtures and common area millwork in commercial buildings represent a substantial investment, and when they begin to show signs of wear and tear they can negatively impact the image of your business. From elevators and lobbies to conference rooms, we can help you protect and maintain the professional appearance that clients admire and employees appreciate.


Furniture Craftsman provides a variety of services for commercial properties in the areas of wood restoration, furniture and cabinet repair, furniture restoration and image enhancement such as:


•Conference tables, chairs and desks

•Bookshelves and storage units


•Elevator and interior doors

•Interior trim work

•Reception areas

•Built-in cabinetry

•Cabinet repair and restoration

•Cabinet refacing





Copyright 2015 Furniture Craftsman