(864) 306-9600

Fax: (864) 306-9690
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Serving the Upstate for

30 Years

Fully Bonded, Licensed, and Insured

Business Hours:8am – 5pm


For over 30 years, Furniture Craftsman has been steadily perfecting our woodworking trade skill. In that time we have restored and repaired a vast range of furniture styles and wood types for large corporations and home owners alike. Our craftsmen possess the training, experience, knowledge and tools to successfully restore any furniture piece to its ideal condition.


At Furniture Craftsman we guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with the quality of work you receive every time. We understand the significance and value that special pieces of furniture have to our customers; so you can be sure that any furniture trusted in our hands, will be treated and cared for as if it were


We welcome the opportunity to restore your aged or damaged furniture to its original beauty.


Thank You




Copyright 2015 Furniture Craftsman